1- الصف الأول10- الصف العاشر11- الصف الحادي عشر12- الصف الثاني عشر2- الصف الثاني3- الصف الثالث4- الصف الرابع5- الصف الخامس6- الصف السادس7- الصف السابع8- الصف الثامن9- الصف التاسع

انجليزي || الوحدات و الصفحات المعلقة لجميع الصفوف || 2022/2021 || الفصل الأول

الوحدات و الصفحات المعلقة لكل الصفوف من الصف الأول الابتدائي وحتى الصف الثاني عشر الثانوي

اللغة الانجليزية

Primary Stage:

1st Grade:

First period= Adjustment period

2nd Grade:

First 2 periods= Reactivation
Unit 4 is suspended

3rd Grade:

First 2 periods= Reactivation
Unit 2 is suspended

4th Grade:

First 2 periods= Reactivation
Unit 2 is suspended
Deleted pages from SB: 47 to 50

5th Grade:

First 2 periods= Reactivation
Unit 3 is suspended

Intermediate Stage:

6th Grade:

First period= Reactivation
Unit 3 is suspended
Unit 4 (WB ONLY) suspended

7th Grade:

First period= Reactivation
Unit 1 is suspended
Unit 4 (WB ONLY) suspended

8th Grade:

No Reactivation period
Deleted pages from SB: 21 to 23, ex. 3 only from pg 24, 26
Unit 6 is suspended

9th Grade:

No Reactivation period
Unit 6 is suspended
Unit 4 (WB ONLY) suspended except pg 16, ex. 5
SB pages suspended: 36, 37 (ex. 2 + pronunciation)

Secondary Stage:

10th Grade:

Expository writing
Unit 1: WB, lessons 3 + 9 suspended
Unit 2: WB, lessons 3 + 9 suspended
Unit 3: WB, lesson 3 + SB, Focus On suspended
Unit 4: WB, lessons 3 + 9 suspended
Unit 5: WB, lessons 3 & 9 + SB, Focus On suspended
Unit 6 is deleted
2 periods to be dedicated for the Writing skill in each Unit

11th Grade:

Descriptive writing
Unit 1: WB, lessons 3 + 9 suspended
Unit 2: WB, lessons 3 + 9 suspended
Unit 3: WB, lesson 3 + 9 suspended
Unit 4: WB, lessons 3 + 9 suspended
Unit 5: WB, lessons 3 & 9 suspended
Unit 6 is deleted
2 periods to be dedicated for the Writing skill in each United

12th Grade:

Expository writing
Unit 1: WB, lessons 3 + 9 suspended
Unit 2: WB, lessons 3 + 9 suspended
Unit 3: WB, lesson 3 + SB, Focus On suspended
Unit 4: WB, lessons 3 + 9 suspended
Unit 5: WB, lessons 3 & 9 suspended
Unit 6 is deleted

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