9- الصف التاسع

تعبير انجليزي تاسع / الفصل الدراسي الثاني 2018/2019

1-Journey in the sea

                  Last year, I went on a sea journey. I went with my family .We were very happy at first .Suddenly, a strong storm hit our ship . It was sinking . We were lost in the sea . It was very dark . We felt afraid . We needed help .

                 We had many survival equipment . we use signal flare to tell people where we were . We used compass to know the way .Finally , We reached the beach safely. We were saved and survived.

2-Sea breeze

                  The sea is my lovely place. It is very important. Sea breeze is full of minerals. There are antiseptics in the sea breeze. It is also unpolluted.it is fresh and clean. It can act as a decongestant.

             I like going to the sea. I usually go there to sail, fish or swim. Our grandfathers used to dive for pearls. I walk on the beach to smell fresh air. If you have cold, you can there to have a fresh breeze.

3-Problem solving

                      Problem is a difficult situation. All of us have problems daily. We spend a lot of time trying to solve them. When we face a problem we should ask our fathers. There are strategies for solving problems. They are : understand, plan , try and check.

                  There are many features for problem solving. One of them is to look at the problem systematically. We should be confident and creative. Always try to solve your problems by yourself. You should also think outside the box. If you couldn’t , try to ask your friends.

4-Disabled children

                  Disabled people have physical or mental problems . In The past , They faced many difficulties . Government ignored them . Education believed that they were unable to learn . They had no rights . People looked at them in a strange way .People also belittled them.

                  Nowadays, disabled children are different from in the past. They have their special rights . The government helps them . It also Provides them with special schools . They have special parking . We should help them . We should respect and support them.

5-The forces of nature

                        Nature is very beautiful. There are some disasters change this beauty . There are forces of nature . They are  very dangerous. They destroy buildings. Millions of people died. A lot of people become homeless.

              Volcano eruption is very dangerous. It pushes out fire and smoke. It changes the weather. Earthquake, Hurricane and tsunami are also very dangerous. They destroy buildings, trees and streets. Fortunately, These events can be predicted by the scientists.

6- Technology

                  We live in the age of technology. Modern technology is very important in our life. It has a lot of advantages.First,it saves our time and effort.Second,It makes our life easier.Third.it makes life more comfortable. In addition ,it can save people’s life.Finally,it makes communication easier and faster.

                    Modern technology is used everywhere. It has also some disadvantages.First,some people use it for a long time.Next,it can be dangerous if we misuse it.It can also lead to health problems like back and eyes pains. In addition, it can cause being lazy.Finally,we should use technology wisely in a good way.

7-Dangerous jobs

            In our life, we have many dangerous jobs. Some people like to work these jobs. Some like to be paramedic. It is risky as he drives very fast. He also goes to dangerous places. Others like to be divers. It is risky because of rusted ships. Others like to be smoke jumper. It`s risky because of fire and smoke can kill them.

         These dangerous jobs are also rewarding. Paramedic saves lives. Divers help to restore Kuwait `s natural beauty. Alaskan pilot help isolated villages. Smoke jumper stop fires.


                  Everyone likes traveling. It is very interesting. Traveling in the past was different from traveling nowadays. In the past, it was very hard. People used to travel by camels. It took a long time. It wasn’t comfortable. They faced a lot of dangers like heat ,cold and thieves.

                    Traveling nowadays is easier and faster. It takes a short time. It is safe and more comfortable. People use planes ,cars and ships to travel. Streets are well paved.

9-A journey you have made

         Last summer holiday, I traveled to Egypt. I went by plane. I went with my family. I stayed for two weeks. I prepared to enjoy my time.

       I stayed in a hotel. I went to many interesting places. I went  to the pyramids. I ate tasty food in the restaurant. I went to the sea and the  zoo. I had a great time there.

10-Japan -Kuwait

          Japan is a modern country. It`s in Asia. Its capital is Tokyo. Japanese people are kind. Their favourite food is sushi. They use chopsticks to eat it. Their favourite sport is Sumo wrestling. Women wear kimono which is made of silk. They have modern transportation . They like to ride modern bullet train.

        Kuwait is different from Japan in different things. Kuwait is a modern country too. It lies in Asia. Its capital is Kuwait City. Their favourite food is meat and rice.Womem wear Abbaya and men wear dishdasha.They use cars, buses and taxis. Their favourite sport is football.


                  Happiness is a good feeling. Everyone would like to be happy. It is easy to be happy. You can feel happy when helping the poor. There are different elements to happiness. They’re like having pleasures in life. Having a spiritual life is another element.

                 There are different sources of happiness .They are like family, work ,friends ,faith and health. Being happy is good for our society. When we are happy, we will help others. Enough money can make us happy. Being happy is good for health. It  gives us strong immune system. Serotonin causes happiness. We should eat bananas and nuts to feel happy.


                      Friendship is important in our life . Friends make us happy. We can`t live without friends. Friends support each other. Friends  must help each other. We should choose friends carefully.

                       A true friend has special qualities . she must be honest and clever. She must be trustworthy and loyal . She should respect me . She should keep my secrets . She should share me happy and sad times. She must be a good listener to me .We should be clever to choose our friends . A true friend is someone who knows you but loves you any way .  

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