12- الصف الثاني عشر

جميع مواضيع تعبير انجليزي || الصف الثاني عشر || الفترة الثانية

جميع مواضيع تعبير انجليزي || الصف الثاني عشر || الفترة الثانية

Unit 4


There’s no doubt that desertification is a serious problem. It is the changing of green land into desert. The beautiful land becomes a lifeless desert. This happens because of many reasons, like lack of rain and harsh climate. Also harmful human activities like cutting down trees, over cultivating, and overgrazes the land.

Desertification has dangerous effects on the environment. The land becomes unproductive and eroded, and animals lose their natural habitat. We should do our best to change deserts into green land.

The government should support farmers. It should impose strict laws for cutting down trees. It should also run campaigns and raise awareness among citizens.

Finally, I think that man has done enough harm to the planet. It is time to save our precious resources.


Water is one of the most important natural resources in our life. We can’t live without it. We can use it for drinking and planting. We can use it for cleaning, washing and cooking. Nowadays, fresh water becomes rare because of overpopulation and the endless development.

We have many examples of wasting water like leaving the tap running, not fixing leaking water pipes, taking long showers, and using hoses to clean cars. We should save it by turning off the taps when not using it. We should fix leaking water pipes. We should use sprinklers.

We can use a water bucket to wash cars. Farmers can use new system for irrigation. The government should run campaigns and raise awareness among citizens to save it.

Finally, water is the secret of life, so we should do our best to save it and use it wisely.

Natural Resources

God blessed earth with many treasures. These treasures made our life easier and more efficient. Land and water are the most important resources. Mankind lives on land, and they build homes, farm lands, and get all the needs for nourishment. Water, of course, is the secret of life.

Man’s greed and selfishness destroyed that blessing. Forests, which control the climate, are being cut down for land and wood.  The beautiful green lands face desertification, and water is being wasted when cleaning or watering plants.

Still, there are available actions to save these precious resources. We should stop cutting down forests for any reason. We can reclaim deserts to build or farm, and start using the water wisely. Campaigns are important to raise people’s awareness about these important issues.

To end, I need to say that these resources are not forever. They are granted to us and for our future children. That is why we need to value this gift.

Unit 5

Waste and Recycling

Wastes are the things we don’t need or use any more, so we throw away. We create waste every day, and it has become a serious global problem. It causes pollution and disease. There are many types of waste like: glass, metal, paper, plastic and green waste. 

One way to reduce waste is recycling. It means reusing things again and again for different purposes. It is very important because we are running out of land to bury our wastes. We can recycle our waste by organizing our waste and taking it to recycling companies.

Governments should encourage recycling by imposing laws against throwing rubbish on the street. They should build recycling points everywhere. Awareness campaigns are so important and needed to encourage everyone to recycle.

I advise you to start recycling to save our planet, and to keep it clean.

Unit (6)

Endangered Species

Man has invaded nature to get his basic needs, food and shelter. With his greed and selfishness, he destroyed the natural balance and endangered many plants and animals species.

How are these species endangered? Man cuts forests for wood or land for building or growing crops. So, he has destroyed its natural habitat. Also, illegal hunting is a great threat for many animals. Poachers hunt them for their fur or skin.

What can we do to save those endangered species? We can make campaigns for awareness or for collecting money to build nature reserves. Governments should impose laws against destroying forests and poaching.

For me, I’m against destroying nature for our benefits. As Allah created everything in the world in great balance; we must keep that balance by any possible means.

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