9- الصف التاسع

جميع مواضيع تعبير الانجليزية المقررة بالكويت || الصف التاسع || الفصل الدراسي الثاني

جميع مواضيع تعبير الانجليزية المقررة بالكويت || الصف التاسع || الفصل الدراسي الثاني

Problem Solving Skills

A problem is a difficult situation. We all face problems every day. They are at the centre of our everyday life. We should think of solutions not the problems! We have to evaluate these solutions wisely. Adopting a positive attitude towards our problems helps us a lot.

There are a lot of skills needed to handle problems successfully. We should look at problems systematically. In addition, we have to be more creative and self-confident. Thinking outside the box is another skill. It means to think creatively using new ideas instead of traditional or expected ones. Sharing our problems with others can also help us overcome problems.


Everyone hopes to lead a happy peaceful life. Happiness is the feeling of being happy. There are three elements to happiness. The first  element is to use your strengths positively. The second one is to satisfyingly feel life pleasures. The last element is to have a spiritual life. Studies suggest that married people are happier than single people.

The main sources of happiness are family, friends, money, work, etc. In my opinion, happiness counts more than money. Happiness can be in the simplest things in life. Being happy is good for you and your society. It will encourage you to take part in your community usefully. All in all, what is   happiness differs from one person to another.


Friendship is one of the greatest gifts in life. Man is sociable by nature. He needs to share feelings, ideas or opinions with others. Friendship is a mutual feeling of love, kindness, trust and respect. It is a two-way street. In every friendship, there has to be some give-and-take.

There are some tips on being a good friend. Good friends are trustworthy, loyal and honest. They are good listeners. They easily forgive us for our mistakes. Good friends share us our ups and downs. Most importantly, good friends value their friendship very well.

Forces Of Nature

There are a lot of forces of nature man might experience. Some of them are volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. Volcanic eruptions are very powerful. They can kill people and plants, destroy homes and change climate. Earthquakes also kill us and destroy buildings, bridges and streets. Many people are also left homeless after earthquakes.

A hurricane is a violent wind which has a circular movement. They are found especially in the West Atlantic Ocean. Hurricanes can destroy a whole city. Tsunamis are huge killer waves. They are caused by movement of the Earth under the sea. Scientists can predict and track these natural disasters to warn people and save many lives.

Life in Japan

Life in Japan is really amazing. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. It is the most crowded city in the world. Fashion is very important in Japan. In the past, kimonos were worn by the Japanese. They are traditional robes. Now people wear them only at home or on special events.

In Japan, there are cars, buses, taxis, bikes, but people like trains. There, the trains are as fast as a bullet. People are always on time. Sushi is a type of popular Japanese food. It is usually eaten by chopsticks. Sumo wrestling is a traditional Japanese sport. Really, I like the Japanese lifestyle.

Dangerous Jobs

Everyone needs a job to earn their livings. There are a lot of dangerous jobs. Being a paramedic is very dangerous. Paramedics have to drive very quickly. Sometimes they are also called to dangerous  places to help people.

Being an Alaskan pilot is a very dangerous job. Alaskan pilots have to fly over mountain in extreme weather. In addition, Alaskan pilots can be lost in mountains. The job of smoke jumpers is really risky. They have to cut down trees and clear plants to stop fires. Moreover, fires can kill them. Finally, I think all these jobs holders will feel happy if they are well-appreciated.

Children with Disabilities

In the past, children with disability were ignored. People didn’t take care of them. Their situation was bad. People believed that they were unable to learn.

Nowadays, children with disability are given specialised education. They have their own schools. They learn, read, play and paint. They have exams, too. We must treat them carefully. Children with disability will become important members if we know how to deal with them.


A problem is a difficulty or an unpleasant situation. All of us experience problems. We spend a lot of time trying to solve them. There are many features for problem solving. 

One of these features is to look at problems systematically. Another feature is we should be confident and creative. Always try to solve your problems by yourself. If you couldn’t , try to consult your parents or friends.


Volcanoes are holes in the Earth’s surface. They push out lava. There are 800 active volcanoes in the world. Volcanic eruption is very powerful. Its gas and ash can change the weather. Crops can die, too. Scientists can predict volcanoes. This helps to save many lives. Volcanoes are very dangerous. They are destructive natural forces.

Smoke Jumper

The smoke jumper is parachuted into areas where there are forest fires. He has to cut trees down to stop the fire. His job is risky. He wears special protective clothes. They have special pockets for equipment. His job is very rewarding.

He saves people’s lives. He protects forests, too. The smoke jumper’s job is very challenging. I would like to be a smoke jumper in the future.

Survival Equipment

Survival equipment are important. They help us to survive. At the sea, we need a signal flare, a signal mirror and a map. Also We need oars for rowing a boat. We should take a sea sickness tablet. At the sea and desert, we need a compass, a mobile, a map.

we need a blanket to keep us warm. The first aid kit is very important. We  need a survival manual. We should take food and fresh water. We need a whistle to call for help. Survival equipment are very useful.


Money is very important. It helps people to live. Enough money is a source of happiness. We can earn money by working. Wealthy people have a lot of money. They can be happy. They can travel for  fun and enjoyment or to relax. Rich people should give money to the poor. Poor people have a modest life. 

Enough money can make us happy. We should save money. Money can help us to buy all we need like buying beautiful clothes, a big house with new furniture, modern cars, computers and other electronic machines.  

The Silk Road

The Silk Road was a very famous road. It was 7,000 km long. It connected Asia and Europe. It was full of many dangers. They were thieves, deserts and mountains.

The Chinese merchants used this road to trade silk. They exchanged it with silver, gold and horses. They used to travel in caravans. Then, the Silk Road was used less because of many reasons.

Health is wealth

Health is a treasure of happiness. If you don’t enjoy your life, you are unhealthy. Health helps you feel proud and move everywhere. If you are ill or unhealthy, your life will be miserable. Money is useless when you are ill. Life is nothing with pain and suffering.

We should eat healthy food to be healthy. Playing sports helps us to be fit and healthy. We should use our health in good ways. Many people can gain money, but they can’t buy health.


Travelling abroad is very useful. Lots of people travel to other countries. People travel by ship, car or plane. They travel with family or friends. A traveller needs a passport, a visa, a ticket and some money.

A traveller travels to enjoy fine weather. He can enjoy visiting new places. He can make friends. It’s a chance to know other cultures and folklores. People can buy clothes and presents. Students can learn languages. They can study at universities. Doctors can get experience there.


The sea is my lovely place. It’s very useful. Sea breezes are full of minerals. There are antiseptics in the sea breeze too. Sea breeze is relatively unpolluted. It can act as a decongestant. It alleviates the symptoms of common cold.

My hobby is going to the sea. I go there to sail, catch fish or swim. Ancestors used to dive for pearls. Pearling was a main job.

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