11- الصف الحادي عشر

جميع موضوعات تعبير || للصف الحادي عشر || الفصل الدراسي الثاني

[irp posts=”3695″ name=”نموذج اختبار || الصف الحادي عشر || الفصل الدراسي الثاني || 2016/2017″]

The Importance of Media

The media is very important in our life. It has made the world a small village. The media can be delivered through different means as TV, radio, The Internet and newspapers.

The media has positive and negative effects. As for the positive effects, we can get the latest news. The media promotes social causes as literacy, health management and AIDS awareness. It is a channel of communication. It can form the public opinion. As for the negative effects, the media promotes negative thinking. It sometimes shows events negatively. It can form and alter our opinions. It can give unhealthy messages. Press should be given some freedom within the limits of the law.

I think the media in Kuwait is free and transparent. Really, the media should be reliable and truthful.

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Watching Television

Watching TV affects the teen’s life greatly. Some teens spend much time watching TV.TV has good and bad effects. As for good effects, watching TV can develop our imagination. It can develop good habits. It can teach us about family values. It can encourage good behaviour. As for the bad effects, watching TV for a long time can promote inactivity. It can provoke the danger of obesity. It can give unhealthy behaviour. It can give unhealthy messages.

However, we can avoid its negative effects. We should make rules about watching TV. We should set limits on TV watching time. We should turn off the TV during meals. We should watch TV with family and friends. Finally, we should consume TV in a positive way.

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Reviewing Film

Film reviewing is very important nowadays. It advises us to know which film we should see and which one we should avoid. Film reviewing has changed a lot nowadays. Everyone is a critic nowadays. Everyone can write for an online newspaper. In film reviewing, it is the quality that counts not the quantity. It should be well-written and organized. A film critic should be honest and organized. He shouldn’t be shy or biased.

Yesterday I watched “ Al-Resala” film. The story was exciting. I enjoyed it very much. The actors were creative. The plot was good. The special effects were excellent. The photography was clear and wonderful. The story teaches people some moral lessons and virtues. Really, film reviewing is very useful.

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Safety Precautions in Our House

We need some innovations to keep us secure in different places. Airbags, seatbelts ,smoke alarms and vaccinations are very important. They help us keep secure. Airbags safeguard drivers and passengers. They cushion the collision. Seatbelts are important safety devices. They retain people in their seats in case of accidents. They prevent dangerous injuries.

Smoke alarms can save people’s lives. They can detect smoke easily. They give warming so people can flee. Vaccinations stop spreading diseases. They prevent dangerous infections.

Finally, we should be careful to avoid accidents everywhere.

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The Planet ( Earth ) is in Danger

Our planet , Earth faces many dangers. It faces pollution , global warming , deforestation and extinction. They are dangerous environmental problems. They threaten our life on Earth. They are man-made disasters. Smoke from cars and factories cause a lot of pollution. It causes health problems and global warming. Man cuts down trees and forests. Deforestation threatens rare animals so they face extinction.

I think we have to do something to save our planet. We should reduce pollution. We can build factories outside cities. We should use less energy. We have to stop cutting trees and grow more. We should stop killing rare animals.

Finally, We should save earth to live safely.

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The Powers of Nature / Natural Disasters

There are great natural powers in our world. They are volcanoes , earthquakes , floods and tornadoes. They are very dangerous. Volcanoes and earthquakes cause a lot of damage , fires , accidents and deaths. Floods and tornadoes kill many people and destroy a lot of buildings. They make people homeless .

We should try to avoid these dangers .We can make them less dangerous. People should avoid living alongside rivers that flood. They shouldn’t live on the side of a volcano that may flare up. We can use soft building materials to soften the impact of earthquakes. We should build on springs and rollers to avoid earthquakes. We should build dams to avoid floods.

We can also make use of ( benefit from ) these powers of nature. We can build wind and wave farms to generate electricity. The government can help in these disasters. They can warn people and provide aids.

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No one can deny that pollution is one of the biggest problems of this age. It is witnessed in all aspects of life. We can see it in air, water, streets even in food itself. Air pollution comes from exhaust fumes that emit from cars and vehicles. Smoke and gases that are emitted by factories or nuclear stations. Water or rivers are also polluted by the wastes and remains of factories that thrown in rivers or seas. Even our food is also polluted by pesticides and fertilizers used in cultivation. Noise pollution is caused by modern means of transport, and the air carries such sounds to our ears. In order to lessen pollution in our environment or in the atmosphere, cars and all means of transport should be checked to prevent the spread of exhaust gases in the air we breathe. All harmful substances should be banned and we should resort to organic farming. Many countries have worked hard to stop pollution and they succeeded in this process. Air and water on their cities have become much cleaner. They now breathe and drink fresh and healthy air and water. Finally, pollution which has arisen to serious levels has to be overcome.

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Endangered Species

I believe that the most serious environmental problem is the fact that there are too many endangered and threatened species in the world. Not only am I talking about animals but I am also talking about plants or kinds of trees. Without any of these species, the lifecycle would become out of balance. In fact, the question that a lot of people ask is why many species become endangered and then become extinct. There are many reasons why plants and animals are becoming in danger. There are many reasons for this; such as climate changes, deforestation, agriculture and aquaculture, poaching or illegal hunting and toxic chemicals. Pollution of the air and water also affects the wildlife and even the plants. In my opinion, we must prevent the destruction of the natural world. If you are interested in protecting wildlife, you should look after birds, animals and plants in the wild. We should make sure that there are no any toxic substances in the wild or around our environment. Finally, we should teach others, especially the children, why protecting animals or plants in the wild or in the desert is very important for us. We should teach them love of nature and protecting it. Finally, we should look after endangered species because their survival is our survival.

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[irp posts=”2949″ name=”مذكرة مدرسة سلمان الفارسي – الفصل الدراسي الثاني – Grade 11″]

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