12- الصف الثاني عشر

جميع مواضيع تعبير انجليزي || الصف الثاني عشر || الفترة الأولى

جميع مواضيع تعبير انجليزي || الصف الثاني عشر || الفترة الأولى

Unit 1

Computer Crimes

There are many crimes in our society like theft, murder, and fraud. New crimes, like online identity-theft, are also growing. Techno criminals use computers to commit their crimes. 

They find personal information and credit card numbers to steal money. It’s hard to catch these criminals because they are invisible. Their crimes are not easily proved by anyone.

We should keep ourselves safe from techno criminals by using a good antivirus program, and using strong  passwords. We shouldn’t deal with strange adverts or emails.

Finally, the government should impose strict laws to protect citizens in society.

Legal Disputes

There have been more legal disputes in the last years. Many people are going to court nowadays for petty cases. Some people are against such cases because people are always looking for someone to blame for accidents. As a result, the courts are full of these cases, and prosecuting real criminals takes a longer time.

On the other hand, some people believe that the increasing number of petty cases shows that society is developing, and every wrong action is punished. As a result, every person is protected. 

In my opinion, minor cases should be solved outside of the court to let the legal system solve dangerous crimes.

The Importance of Law

Law is very important in society. Man invented law many years ago to ensure justice. Nowadays, it is a must to live in peace. Law can protect our rights and lives. Also, it keeps our properties safe.

A society without law is not a  society to live in. Crimes will be everywhere and there will be many victims. Law is the only way to punish criminals. Therefore, it can stop crimes.

Kuwait has a well-structured system of laws. The laws, in Kuwait, are taken from the Holy Qur’an and Haddith. In Kuwait we have many types of law. For example, we have family law, civil law and criminal law.

Finally, I think we should respect law. It ensures that safety of our future generations. 

Speed limit

Speeding in residential areas is one of the problems related to traffic safety. Speedy drivers may hit children or any person .The most important question is: Should motorists who drive too fast in residential areas be banned from driving?

Some people think that those careless drivers should be banned from driving for many reasons. It makes citizens fear for children’s safety, it increases the risk of vehicle crashes and injuries.

Other people think that the motorist who drive too fast in residential areas should only pay fines. They think that they have reasons for speeding, like running late, or an emergency.

To conclude, I advise all the drivers to drive carefully, especially near schools, playgrounds, and parks.

Unit 2


People migrate due to many factors. Early humans migrated because of changing climate and for food supply. Nowadays, many people emigrate to run away from natural disasters, wars, or to find better work.

Migration has advantages and disadvantages. It may give you better chances for work or education. You could meet new people, learn about a new culture, and learn a foreign language.

On the other hand, you would be away from your family, friends and country, so you would be homesick.

Finally, migration is a rewarding and difficult experience. You should think carefully before deciding to emigrate.

An Important Event in My Life

Life is full of different events. Some events are sad, and some are happy. All life events mark a change in our lives, even if it’s a small change. Because education is very important for my future, I would like to talk about my first day in secondary school.

I was happy to finally be a secondary school student, but I was also worried about how different the new school is going to be. I was hoping to see my old friends, and hang out with them during the break.

On the first day, I received my new books, and met my new teachers. I remember they were all nice and helpful. I met new friends, and one of them has become my best friend.

Now, I am in my final year of secondary school. I have learned so much both in and out of the classroom. I am looking forward to the next big event in my life, which is my graduation party.

Unit 3

Human Values

Human values are shared qualities between people all over the world. They are found in all religions and cultures. They protect the human rights and spread love and peace.
Compassion, freedom, respect, empathy and tolerance are examples for the different human values. Compassion is caring for others. Freedom doesn’t mean you are free to harm others. Tolerance is accepting others’ mistakes and forgiving them.

These shared human values are not between people only, but between countries as well. Countries train diplomats to represent them in the UN. Their work is ensuring peace and equality.
Islam mixes all the different values. All of them are important as our Prophet Mohammad said that: “All the Muslims are like the same body”.


We thank God that we live in welfare. Technology gave us many inventions that made our life easier, safer and more comfortable. Nowadays, many countries suffer from poverty, lack of medical care and illiteracy. Their needs differ from a country to another.

Some need fresh water supplies. Others are in need for medical care like medicine That is why we should help in any way we can. Donating money is a way of showing empathy. As small amounts of money will not affect our life, but it will give others a better standard of life. You can also do voluntary work.

Some people don’t know about the problems in other countries, so campaigns and adverts are a way of raising awareness and money. 
Compassion, empathy and support are basic in Islam. We should help any human in need, Muslim or not.

Voluntary Work

Humans around the world are struck with many disasters. Natural disasters, wars, famine, and disease. These disasters destroy the lives of many people every day. Voluntary work is a powerful way to help. Volunteers give their time, effort and health for saving people that lived through such disasters.

Voluntary work means helping anyone in need without getting any money. It aims at helping people who are suffering. It is a sign of compassion and empathy. KRCS is a Kuwaiti organization that provides charity projects for money support. Their voluntary work is done inside and outside of Kuwait. It helps the needy families and raises awareness inside the country. 

The volunteers are motivated. Their goal is to ease people’s suffering and bring happiness. They don’t wait for rewards or benefits.

As humans, we should try hard to improve and protect others’ lives, and change lives for better.

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